Research supports online delivery

The first and most important thing is that families who have tried online delivery of early intervention services believe that they are effective.

There is a lot we already know from the evidence about online early intervention services.

Research has found that they:

  • Are equally effective as face-to-face services
  • Result in positive outcomes for the child
  • Provide flexibility
  • Engage and empower families
  • Increase family belief in their ability to parent their child

Right now, online early intervention services are a safe way to keep connected with the organisations who have been working with you to achieve positive outcomes for your child. We really encourage you to give online services a try!

You can follow up the research here in a study that concluded that Telehealth can be introduced to all families in Colorado because it works.

Cole, B., Pickard, K., & Stredler-Brown, A. (2019). Report on the Use of Telehealth in Early Intervention in Colorado: Strengths and Challenges with Telehealth as a Service Delivery Method. International journal of telerehabilitation11(1), 33. )

The article summarises that online services:

For more research see

Further Resources

Findings on Telepractice in Early Childhood Intervention By Lorraine Heywood

Explore some programs and services