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Connecting with your child through photography

Thursday 23 May @ 8:00 pm 9:00 pm AEST

What community activities do young children with a disability or developmental delay enjoy? Let them show you with their photos!

Some children are better at expressing their likes or dislikes through images instead of words. In this two-part workshop, learn to use PhotoVoice: an activity where you encourage your child to take photos of activities and places they enjoy, or do not like and find challenging.

PhotoVoice is fun and promotes engagement with your child. The images are uploaded to inform community organisations or businesses about enhancing accessibility and inclusion. You and your child’s personal details are kept confidential.

Families who have done PhotoVoice say that it helped their child become more confident in expressing themselves and making their own choices.



Come along to explore:

  • How PhotoVoice enhances family engagement
  • What photos your child can take
  • Describing the photos in your child’s voice
  • How to upload the photos
  • What the photos will be used for

In the second session, parents can ask further questions about PhotoVoice and discuss their picture-taking experience.

After completing the two sessions and once the photos have been uploaded, you will receive a kids’digital camera as a gift for your child to continue to enjoy taking photos.

This session is for

For families of children with developmental concerns, delay or disability up to 12 years old.
The workshop is exclusively for parents, and you’ll gain all the insights you need to share with your child afterwards.


Session 1: Thursday 23 May; 8pm to 9pm* AEDT/NSW Time
Session 2: Thursday 6 June; 8pm to 9pm* AEDT/NSW Time
*Make sure to adjust to your time zone


Sessions are subject to cancellation due to low RSVP – Minimum of 4 RSVPs
Your confirmation is required.


This event is held online using Zoom. Instructions will be emailed to you prior to the event.
If you have accessibility needs, please advise during registration.

cost workshops



Your hosts

Plumtree’s workshops and courses are facilitated by members of our therapy team, guest speakers or our trained parent peer workers who are raising a child with a disability or delay. 
This session will be facilitated by Melo Kalemkeridis, parent-peer workers and Kayleen Doyle, Community & Me project leader.

Additional info

Log in detailsOnce registered, we will provide further details closer to the date, including the link to join the session. You will need a good internet connection to attend.
Contact detailsFor more information or questions, feel free to contact Mana (Parent Learning Manager) mana@plumtree.org.au
ProfessionalsAt this stage, we don’t have the capacity to accommodate professionals in this program. If you are a professional, please feel free to share any of our calendar information with the families you are working with.
FundingThis session is funded through the Department of Social Services

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