Our longstanding and valued team member Nina Kyte, Occupational Therapist and Early Childhood Educator retired from Plumtree after 11.5 years of employment. She will be dearly missed by all Plumtree staff and the Plumtree community.
She wrote a beautiful goodbye letter.
With her permission, we would like to share it with you.

Hi all
I’ve written something I’d like to say … in case I tear up and derail myself … 💦
Most people know I started on a 3-month contract – almost 11.5 years ago – It’s been the longest 3 months of my life! …
It’s also been one of the most extraordinary jobs of my life…
Though I have sometimes struggled with work demands – overtime, I began to see something beautiful and humbling.
Everyday … yes, every workday I witness unconditional love ❤️ Unconditional love between parent and child … & I witness endless courage
No matter how many times a parent may ask their child to ‘try again’, no matter the success or complications, and no matter what ‘buttons’ a child may unwittingly ‘push’. Both parent and child keep returning to love ❤️ the unconditional love they have for each other.
…and …
I have often wondered just how much courage it takes, both parent and child, to enter that noisy shopping centre, start school or … flush that crazy toilet. … everyday challenges .. everyday heroes.
Along with unconditional love & courage – I have also witnessed endless, endless, endless … creativity, compassion and generosity from my teammates… supporting these everyday heroes … & each other.
And I have learnt so much from all of you, past and present – parents, children, volunteers, teammates (therapists, preschool team, parent peers & colleagues outside of Plumtree). Truly, you are all AWESOME … as in ‘awe – inspiring’.
– Behind the scenes: The Board members – how generous and passionate are each of you – we are all indebted to you for your leadership and commitment – Thank you
– Sylvana: It is hard not to love and respect you – your remarkable intellect, deep compassion, humility, grace and constant energy – thank you. I have only one concern, Sylvana – you have flagged you may approach me if a suitable project arises in the future. If you say it is for 3 months – I will need to look you in the eye and ask: Are you sure you won’t have me working until I’m 75 : )
– Cathy and Robin: You have been amazing managers – flexible, resourceful, kind – deepest thanks
– There are 3 more people for whom I will never be able to express my gratitude – they are absolutely gorgeous, clever and funny. I will call them the HEM team, HEM, as in sewing: I am, of course, talking about Hajar, Elif and Mana.
They keep us stitched together as an organisation, so we don’t fall apart, and yet they keep us in stitches with their humour …. a difficult balance. Each of you has not only answered my IT questions (the smart ones and the many dumb ones), but somehow, you have always managed to solve my technology problems! Without your skills and constant patience, I would have had to fire myself years back for an inability to carry out my job! – True!
Thank you to the Plumtree community 🌼